Many people believe that life is too difficult and dangerous. Others, on the other hand, are such proponents of a virile existence, demanding tremendous courage and giving great pride, that they are willing to leave the comfort of their home to mount Mount Everest and brave the elements for the mere delight of reaching the summit. Whatever one’s point of view, the nature of things stays constant.

There are rules, requirements, and duties, as well as limits, possibilities, and impossibilities. Until the end of time, one can accept them and make the best of them, much to one’s delight and glory, or one might reject them and bear the consequences. The decision between these two alternatives is the core of liberty. Personally, I have little use for the second option: self-inflicted sorrow, which is undeniably a pitiful way of life.

The first option, on the other hand, is a delightful and honorable option that I find intriguing, albeit difficult. It applies to any scenario experienced in the course of one’s life, as long as one is not unlucky to the point of being totally unable to cope. The scope of its applicability corresponds to one’s adaptability.
It is usually significant, notwithstanding the inclination to cling to old pleasurable behaviors even when they have become impractical or unsuitable due to a change in circumstances. Weaning from such routines into new satisfying habits is similar to weaning a baby onto meals. The more profound the change and the more hesitant one is to adjust to it, the more difficult and time-consuming the weaning process is in delivering the intended impact. Again, the only choice worth considering is to take things as they come and make the best of them, for one’s own sake and the sake of others. The opposite is dumb and damaging, a heinous waste of humanity.

Overall, the ability to live in a well-adjusted and high-minded manner, as well as the freedom to choose this manner over the alternative, illicit manner, is the basis of the life one develops. The employment of this power does not always indicate a principled acceptance of the status quo. One may be confronted with a remediable evil that necessitates a struggle to cure it efficiently and correctly. In that scenario, living a well-adjusted and high-minded life includes embracing the necessity of this fight and the means of waging it, as well as exerting every effort to achieve one’s goal. Illness is a test of will, an opportunity to demonstrate dignity.

It also provides an opportunity to investigate and assess one’s inner resources. Over time, I have improved my situation, particularly my attitude, which was the most unpleasant and improvable aspect of my existence. In doing so, I realized my genuine wealth. Nature has provided me with a malleable capacity for enjoyment within the constraints of my ever-changing world. According to my observations, this capacity is not especially high in comparison to the average person. I’m even tempted to think it’s lagging behind. Eleven years of triumphant adaptation to my physical impairment is no Guinness World Record!

During that moment, the enigma of life had mostly perplexed me. Nonetheless, with the help of numerous books and much contemplation, I had gradually cleared things up, enough to discover a meaning to my existence. This puzzle is like a mire: the slower you move through it, the deeper you sink. Perhaps thinkers are frequently untalented in the art of life, and their saving grace is their unwavering commitment to compensate for this lack of aptitude via the study of the human soul. Surprisingly, these untalented people are frequently viewed as gifted once they have seen the light and reflected it with the multiple mirrors of an intricate study, following a timid and protracted search in the vast realm of the human essence.

This type of overcompensation is common among people who face challenges in one area but refuse to concede defeat. While some people perform well in this area with little effort, others work hard to overcome these obstacles, and as a result, they frequently outperform the others. Their redeeming feature is their willpower in the face of failure, which they utilize as a cause to redouble their efforts rather than as an excuse to give up. This is a recipe for deserving success. They discipline and outperform themselves, proudly turning things around.

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