A resume is one essential tool in finding jobs. Once you committed mistakes in writing your resume, it will result in disappointment and most likely receiving turndown from employers. In order to make a good and outstanding resume, you must avoid common blunders that job seekers oftentimes commit.

Using colored ink and unusual paper size

Most job seekers want to stand out by using colored ink and unusual paper size. With colored ink and non-standard paper, employers would think that you are not the serious person they’re looking for the job. Your qualifications are enough to make you stand out and get hired.

Too much jargon and cuteness

Don’t fill up your resume with unknown jargon that you alone can understand nor make use of cute borders and paper markings that take away seriousness in your resume. Resume readers are not out there to be amused but to find the right person to fill up their vacancies.

Too much information and fluff

Bear in mind that the person who will read your resume is a busy person and too much information in your resume will bore him. When that person gets bored, your resume mostly ends up unfinished in the trash basket. Sticking to what is important and relevant will help you do the trick. Stay away from writing fluff just to fill up your resume. A short and readable resume is a smart way to get hired.


Some job seekers lie because they think it’s smart to do so. However, honesty is still the best policy for finding jobs. Don’t put anything in your resume that is doubtful or you may regret it later. Don’t assume that lies can make you stand out if may in some length but not forever. Be honest with your titles and credentials as most employers have ways to find out if they’re hiring a dishonest employee.

Using overkill description

Employers want outstanding employees however, they shun away from those who describe themselves in excessive superlatives. Don’t call yourself the “ultimate “but rather use a simple word that qualifies your outstanding qualifications like being the salesperson of the month or an outstanding student while in college. Although a bullet list of your merits is a good way to boost your qualification, don’t overkill it. List down those that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

As for writing your resume, you are the only person who knows what structure is best for you. Each job seeker must work on what is best for him or her. One’s first draft will be pretty bad no matter what one does. Make your first draft, change it when needed and proofread it. Put yourself in the shoes of those who will read it and then make changes again if by your judgment that a final one should be written. You can follow all the rules but in the end, how you see yourself is how you should present yourself to your future employer.

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